Intuition and development: How to develop your clair senses

We have all experienced feelings of intuition at some point, whether we had a gut feeling or thought “I knew that was going to happen,” everyone has the ability to use their intuition. Just as each of us have dominant senses which we rely on daily, perhaps you have excellent hearing, but your eyesight is weaker, or you have an incredible sense of taste, we also have dominant clair senses. Our dominant clairs are the gifts that come naturally to us, but we can work to develop our other clair senses too.

Psychic information is broadcast around us like radio waves, and we are the receivers. It is simply a matter of tuning in to the information and using our senses to understand the messages being delivered. To interpret the messages, we use our senses just as we do in daily life. The clair senses are psychic abilities that are linked to our senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. Let’s discuss the clair senses and how to develop your psychic abilities.

Clairvoyance – clear seeing

Clairvoyant messages arrive visually, they are often presented as an image or scene within the mind similar to a daydream. Many of us are highly visual, we understand new ideas or instructions better when they are laid out in picture. A visual person might also lean towards industries like art, design, photography, or construction. If you identify as visual, your clairvoyance may be your dominant sense.

A clairvoyant message often comes as a metaphor. For example, if we saw someone was drowning or carrying a heavy load, that person might be feeling overwhelmed. Or if the ground was shaking beneath their feet, they might be going through dramatic changes and feeling unstable.

How to develop clairvoyance

Pay attention to images that pop into your mind out of the blue – they might be intuitive messages. Take note of your images in a journal to watch as your psychic ability and interpretation grows over time.

Clairaudience – clear hearing

Messages are delivered as words, sounds, or music usually in our own voice. Intuition can deliver audible sound, but this is rare and requires a large amount of focused energy. As with visual learners, auditory people understand and retain information better when they listen to it. An auditory person might be a talented musician, singer, writer, or speaker. If this sounds like you, then clairaudience may be your natural gift.

Clairaudient messages are usually straightforward. They can be delivered as simple instructions like “wait for a better offer” or as single words or numbers. The tone of voice in these messages is never menacing or harsh, it will always be even and calm.

How to develop clairaudience

Reading about intuition, and speaking or working with intuitive people, can open your intuitive gifts. Take note of any auditory messages you receive in a journal.

Clairsentience – clear feeling

Clairsentient means feeling a person’s or spirit’s emotions or physical pain, and many of us do this without realising it and it is the most common of the clairs. This clair can show up as a strong ‘gut’ feeling, or when we get ‘chills’ for no apparent reason, we may be tuning into an energy around us. A sentient person is often drawn to work as healers or caregivers such as doctors, teachers, therapists, and nannies. If this feels like you, then your dominant clair may be clairsentience.

Clairsentience appears as a feeling, which might be a feeling of their energy: joyous, serious, nurturing, outgoing etc. If we had chills all over while delivering a message, that message might be incredibly important for the receiver. The feeling might come as a physical pain, for example chest pain might indicate someone passed by heart attack. A tight throat might indicate someone has trouble expressing themselves or their emotions, or there is a blockage in their throat chakra.

How to develop clairsentience

Whenever you have a strong intuitive feeling about something, write it in your journal. You will see over the next weeks or months how many messages you receive, and you will begin to recognise more.

Claircognizance – clear knowing

This is when we have knowledge about something that we would not normally know about. The information is delivered to us as a download or something that ‘pops’ into our mind. These messages require faith because there is often no ascertainable explanation of why we suddenly know what we do. Professors, philosophers, doctors, scientists, spiritual/religious leaders, and sales/business leaders are often highly intuitive and seem to know the facts with certainty. If you resonate with this idea, then you may be claircognizant.

An example of a claircognizant message would be a premonition, or a warning of something to come. It’s when our brain gets a large download of information from our intuition within just a few seconds, one minute we are unknowing, the next we know.

How to develop claircognizance

The next time you are trying to solve a problem, or find a solution, but you are completely stumped – ask your intuition to give you the answer through claircognizance. As always, journaling messages received is a great way to open your intuitive channels and to recognise how many messages come through.

Clairalience (also called clairolfaction and clairessence) – clear smelling

Closely linked to clairgustance (clear tasting), clairalience is smelling something without a physical source. This could be smells like perfume or cigarette smoke, which would indicate an energy around us. Smells often link to memory and have a strong emotional component, which also links to clairsentience. Florists, sommeliers, and fragrance creators have heightened senses of smell. If this sounds like you, then your dominant clair may be clairalience.

Clairalience can appear as a particular odour, but also as an energy. There is a strong link between smell and intuition, where smell translates directly into something else – like a colour or a frequency. Clairalience is shown in phrases like “something smells off here” when it relates to a person or situation.

How to develop clairalience

Smell everything. Take in the details of that smell. Allow yourself time to take in the smells around you in the moment. Visualising sights, sounds, tastes, and smells will also strengthen the related senses. Journal any messages you receive will also help you recognise more messages as they arrive.

Clairgustance (also clairgustience) – clear tasting

Your intuitive sense of taste. These are messages or cues delivered to us through intuition, and are closely linked with clairalience. The taste is usually experienced as if we just had something in our mouths. As with our other clairs, clairgustance is experienced through our own filters and experiences. The taste will be like something we have already been exposed to at some point, so that we can understand or relate to the message. These messages can be used to identify someone, how they passed, or to give information on food or supplements need for wellness etc. Chefs, bakers, or food critics are likely to be among those with heightened senses of taste. If this is you, then your dominant clair may be clairgustance.

These messages often come out of nowhere. Usually when a loved one who has passed is trying to communicate a memory or association we have with a particular taste. Perhaps an aunt who was known for her lemonade scones, or a meal at a favourite restaurant from childhood.

How to develop clairgustance

When you eat, savour the different flavours of your food. Pick out the different spices and elements in the dish. Try to eat a variety of foods, the more you expose yourself to, the more messages you open yourself up to. And practice mindful eating, notice how you feel when you eat, what you think, and how the food relates with your body.

Tools to help you discover your clair abilities

There are an abundance of tools available to help you discover and develop your own abilities. Meditation, journaling and working with intuitive people are all excellent options. For more support, daily exercises, built in journals and progress tracking, you can also try the psychic and self-development app Guide To Light. Whether you are starting on your spiritual journey, improving your intuition, looking for positive guidance in your life or connecting with your psychic power, Guide to Light can support you. From daily grounding exercises to meditation and journaling, this self-help app works to connect you with your higher self, develop your intuition and ultimately tap into your psychic abilities by focusing heavily on mindfulness and grounding techniques.

Click here to learn more about the app

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