Psychic Development Accelerator


Discover the Magic of Martina’s signature course the Psychic Development Accelerator.

This transformative 8-week Signature Course is the ultimate journey to unlock and amplify your innate psychic abilities. Led by the experienced and intuitive guide, Martina, this course is designed to take you on a profound exploration of your own intuition, helping you harness its power for personal growth and heightened awareness.

As an experienced psychic medium and passionate spiritual guide, Martina is dedicated to helping you unleash your full potential and align with your unique gifts.

During your course, Martina channels direct guidance, spiritual encouragement, and empowering messages to support your growth. She brings her expertise in releasing limiting beliefs, developing psychic and intuitive abilities, and helping you discover alignment with your true self.

Ideal for beginners with minimal to no prior experience, this course is the culmination of Martina’s years of expertise. Developed by Martina herself, it draws upon her extensive background in education and her personal journey of psychic and intuitive development over the past few years. Martina’s commitment to guiding beginners makes this course a perfect starting point for those stepping into the realm of psychic exploration.

Course Highlights:

Week-by-Week Transformation: Embark on a dynamic 8-week adventure, where each module unfolds a new facet of your psychic potential. Through engaging educational videos, specially crafted exercises, and invaluable tips and tricks, you’ll navigate the realms of intuition with confidence.

Comprehensive Learning Experience: Dive deep into the world of psychic development with our meticulously curated resources. Explore links to external materials that supplement your learning, providing diverse perspectives and additional insights.

Personalized Guidance: Feel the unwavering support of Martina every step of the way. Our course is designed not just as an educational journey but as a personal exploration with a mentor by your side. Martina’s expertise and guidance ensure you’re never alone in your quest for intuitive mastery.

Weekly Q&A Catch-Up with Martina: Connect with Martina in our exclusive weekly Q&A sessions. Here, you have the opportunity to seek clarification, share your experiences, and delve into any specific topics from the course that resonate with you. It’s your chance to receive personalized guidance and nurture your unique intuitive gifts. You will also get to enjoy a practice night once a week to engage with others by utilising what you have learned.

Embark on Your Journey:

Join a community of like-minded individuals as you navigate this 8-week course together. Martina’s carefully structured curriculum isn’t just an educational experience; it’s a shared exploration. The course is designed for collective growth, fostering a supportive environment where you’ll learn alongside fellow students.

Enrollment Opens:

Mark your calendar for the upcoming intake date when the course begins. This structured schedule ensures that you and your peers progress through the modules together, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared achievement.

Community Learning Experience:

Immerse yourself in a collaborative learning atmosphere, where weekly interactions, discussions, and shared insights with your fellow students add a unique dimension to your journey. This communal approach enhances the learning experience, providing diverse perspectives and a sense of community support.

Limited Spots Available:

As this course operates on a scheduled intake basis, secure your spot to embark on this collective adventure of psychic and intuitive development. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with others who share your curiosity and ambition.

Martina’s commitment to guiding beginners through this transformative experience, combined with the camaraderie of a shared learning environment, makes this course an exciting and supportive initiation into the world of psychic exploration. Secure your spot now and get ready to embark on this empowering journey with a community of fellow seekers.

A Journey of Empowerment: By the end of this course, you’ll not only have honed your psychic abilities but also experienced a profound transformation in your self-awareness. Empower yourself to trust your intuition, make confident decisions, and navigate life with a newfound sense of clarity.

Martina is committed to your growth, ensuring you feel supported, inspired, and empowered throughout this life-changing experience. Uncover the mysteries within and embrace your intuitive gifts with confidence.

Investment for this incredible awakening is $1777 AUD.

Feel Free to contact Martina for payment options on

Are you ready to unlock your potential and embrace the magic within? Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to experience the transformative power of Martina’s signature course the Psychic Development Accelerator. Take the first step on your journey of self-discovery and growth today!


Benefits and Inclusions of The Psychic Development Accelerator :

Personalised guidance for self-discovery and growth

Empowering messages and spiritual encouragement

Unlock your full potential and embrace your unique gifts

Develop psychic and intuitive abilities

Release limiting beliefs and find alignment with your true self

Tailored teachings for absolute beginners and intermediate learners

Weekly practical exercises to enhance your results

Organised online group activities to practice

Commitment of 8 weeks with upfront payment of $1777 AUD

Weekly Q&A's with Martina to Mentor you through your modules

Guide By Light | Martina Bilek

Start your journey of self-discovery today!